A Prominent Blogger Reviews Hot Tub SERUM

by Tony Turbo.

A few months back we stumbled upon a blogger in Idaho who, starting in July 2016, has written 6 blogs – All discussing his experience with all the spa purges (also called flush) he could find. He then wrote 2 more blogs on his experiences with SERUM Total Maintenance. His blogs are located here, however I’ve summarized his research below.

Doug Leno bought a Hot Spring Grandee in 2013. He soon had water quality problems. It wasn’t the hot tub. It’s wasn’t his sanitation regime. It was biofilm.
Biofilm can cause all kinds of problems for you in enjoying your hot tub. Some problems are water sanitation issues, as with Doug’s Grandee. Some can be deadly, as Legionella, E-coli and Pseudomonas bacteria can be present in biofilm.

Biofilm visible while Doug purged his Grandee

Doug is a scientist at heart and a former hot tub technician  Once determining his water quality issue was due to biofilm, he decided to test every spa purge he could find & completed his tests over several years.

Doug blogs under the name “Boisediesel”. He is very thorough so it will take a while to read everything but here, in his words, are his summaries of each Spa Purge.

Total Cleanse

Note that SERUM Total Cleanse is the retail version of the Ahh-Some Doug tested.

Spa Purge Doug's Assessment
SeaKlear System Flush, Silk Balance Clean Start, & Oh Yuk “SeaKlear and Clean Start both have a weak QUAT-based formula that behaves in many ways similar to "o yuk" which is also QUAT-based and which I have tested previously.  All of these products do something, but just don't hold a candle to Ahh-Some*.
Aquafinesse Spa Clean “As there was no visible result after 24 hours, I extended the test for another 24 hours, and still obtained no result.”
Natural Chemistry Spa Purge “The amount of material released by the Natural Chemistry product was very small (I would say less than 1/100th of the material that Ahh-Some had released in the first experiment)”
Leisure Time Jet Clean & Pro Line Jet Line Cleaner “Leisure Time "Jet Clean" and Pro Line "Jet Line Cleaner" are ineffective and worthless as products to control biofilms”
Serum Total Cleanse “Total Cleanse* remains the only product that really "deep cleans"."

Doug makes it pretty clear that Ahh-Some & our retail version, Total Cleanse, are the best spa purges available.

Total Maintenance

In Doug’s last two Blogs, #7 & #8, He tests Hot Tub SERUM Total Maintenance and is equally impressed. His conclusion is:

The discovery of Hot Tub Serum, and my experimentation over the past year or so has changed my water maintenance regimen.  in fact, I find that nearly every elixir sold in Spa stores can  be eliminated with the regular use of Hot Tub Serum.  I am one of those who is proud of my water maintenance skills, but frankly I find that Hot tub Serum makes water maintenance easy again.   I also know that if my Chlorine level drops below 3ppm — or even to zero — I know that the Serum has  my back.”  Boisediesel (Doug Leno)

Thanks for reading,
Turbo Tony

Thanks for reading,
Tony Turbo

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